Welcome to the Panza Maurer Law Library at NSU Shepard Broad College of Law. We invite you to utilize the extensive resources and engage in the many learning opportunities we offer. We strive to meet the information needs of the NSU College of Law students, faculty, and staff.
The Law Library collection is housed on three floors in a 43,000 square foot facility. The first floor serves as a Federal and United Nations selective Depository and contains the offices of the Journal Of International Law And Comparative Studies (JILCS). The second floor contains Student Study Rooms, Librarian Offices, the Technical Services Department, Study Guides, Course and Faculty Reserves, Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, the Community Patron Collection, and State Collections, Federal Jurisprudence, and Treatise Collections. The third floor contains additional Study Rooms, the Federal Collections, the Burris Collection, the New York State Law Collection, and the offices of the Nova Law Review. The Law Library continually adds new resources to its print and electronic collections. The Law Library houses 61, 915 volumes consisting of 32,150 unique titles.
The Law Library provides access to College of Law faculty, staff, and students to all the major legal databases (e.g., LexisNexis, Westlaw, HeinOnline, and ProQuest Congressional and Legislative Insight) as well as many smaller legal databases (e.g., vLex, Fastcase, CALI, and Quimbee). College of Law faculty, staff, and students also have access to the many other non-legal databases offered by the other University libraries. The law library continually adds new resources to its print and electronic collections. Copiers and student printers are located on the second and third floors.