This website provides an overview of the procedures and policies for the LL.M. program. The full information is available in the Code of Academic Regulations. This summary is for convenience only.
Learning Objectives
These are the program learning objectives for the LL.M. degree program:
Academic Regulations
All NSU Law students, including those in the LL.M. program, must follow the Code of Academic Regulations. LL.M. students should pay particular attention to Appendix J., which provides additional information for LL.M. students. Except as provided in Appendix J, students matriculated into the LL.M. program are governed by the policies of Nova Southeastern University for its enrolled students and the Code of Academic Regulations for College of Law Students. Students must abide by Nova Southeastern University’s and the College of Law’s codes of conduct.
These are a few of the key policies to keep in mind:
Eligibility Requirements
Course and Registration Requirements
Graduation Requirements
Goodwin Concentration in Law, Technology, & Effective Public Policy (Goodwin Concentration) Completion Requirements
Concentration for U.S. Law Study by Foreign Lawyers (Foreign Lawyers Concentration) additional requirements.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
NSU offers a 15% tuition discount for members of the military who have been fully accepted into the program. The student must contact NSU's Department of Veteran Affairs to complete all required documentation prior to receiving the discount on tuition.
Standards of Progress
A student receiving veterans' benefits must maintain satisfactory progress. Students will be considered to be making satisfactory progress as long as they meet the academic standards set by their school for retention in their degree programs.
A student who, at the end of any evaluation period, has not attained and maintained satisfactory progress will be certified, in a probationary status, for only one additional evaluation period. Should this student not attain and maintain satisfactory progress by the end of the probationary period (one evaluation period), the student's VA educational benefits will be terminated for unsatisfactory progress.
A student whose VA educational benefits have been terminated for unsatisfactory progress may petition the school to be re-certified after one evaluation period has elapsed. The school may re-certify the student for VA educational benefits only if there is a reasonable likelihood that the student will be able to attain and maintain satisfactory progress for the remainder of the program.
For VA payment of benefits purposes, an "I" (Incomplete) designation for a course must be converted to a credit grade counting toward graduation, or a failing grade, by the end of one calendar year unless permission for a delay is granted by the Academic Dean for that program. An "NG" (NO GRADE) designation for a course must be converted to a credit grade counting toward graduation, of a failing grade, by the end of one regular semester unless permission for a delay is granted by the Academic Dean for that program.
Grade/Progress Reports
Each VA student will be provided a grade/progress report at the end of every evaluation period (e.g. term, semester). A copy of each report will be placed in the student's permanent file maintained by the school. The university periodically furnishes each student with a working transcript that shows current status of grades and earned semester hours for all courses completed and/or attempted, plus grades for courses in which the student is currently enrolled.
Credit for Prior Training (CPT)
Nova Southeastern University complies with federal regulations for veterans' training that it is mandatory for all veteran’s benefit recipients to report either prior education and/or training. A student receiving veterans' benefits that has previous post-secondary educational training/experience must request official transcript(s) be sent to the school. If the transcript has not been received prior to the end of the student's second term here at Nova Southeastern University, the student cannot be certified for veterans' benefits for the upcoming term. The student can be certified for veterans' benefits after the transcript has been received.
The school will evaluate the student's previous training and/or experience and grant credit as appropriate. Should credit(s) be accepted and/or granted, the student's tuition and training time will be reduced proportionately, with the veteran and VA so notified.
Student Conduct
All students are expected to comply with the legal and ethical standards of this institution.
Academic dishonesty and/or non-academic misconduct will result in disciplinary action. Specific instances of misconduct include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to the institution, and forging or altering institution documents and/or academic credentials.
The institution reserves the right to require a student to withdraw at any time for misconduct as described above. It also reserves the right to impose probation or suspension on a student whose conduct is determined to be unsatisfactory.
Students who feel their rights have been denied are entitled to due process. For additional information, please visit NSU's Department of Veterans Affairs.
For tuition reimbursement documentation, please contact Nova Southeastern University’s Bursar’s Office at 1-800-541-6682, extension 25200.