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Transactional Law Practice Group

This organization is dedicated to providing students with the opportunity to learn and develop practical skills related to the transactional practice of law. 

The organization seeks to unite students with faculty, alumni, business leaders and government officials through various activities and events including - participation in transactional competitions, workshops, trainings with mock case studies, and more! 

Some of the benefits of being a member of this organization include the following:

  • Unique opportunity to learn real lawyering skills in law school that generally take those within the profession one or two years of practice to acquire.
  • Hands on opportunities and experience that will help enable you to hit the ground running when you begin in practice.
  • Opportunities to learn practical skills related to this field from top local practitioners.
  • Skills learned in this program will enhance your resume and will benefit future clients no matter what area of law you choose to practice.

If you would like to join TLPG, please submit a request to join TLPG through Sharkhub ( Once a request to join is submitted, someone from the TLPG Board will reach out to you via email and share the online membership dues form. For membership dues, a one-time flat fee ($25.00 for first-year students, $20.00 for second-year students, $15.00 for third/fourth-year students) entitles you to TLPG membership for the remainder of your law school career. For more information on TLPG membership, please feel free to contact the TLPG President


TLPG Constitution

TLPG Membership Form  & Credit Card Membership Dues Link 


2024 - 2025 Executive Board


Jessica Q. Birbrayer President
Federico "Fred" Pohls Vice President
Roger Carter Secretary
Jason Blum Treasurer
Aubrey Eastyn Public Relations Chair

Sarah Rauf

Chairperson for Academic Activities

General Board


Skye Warton 3L Representative
Brian Haderspock 2L Representative


Faculty Advisor


Donna Litman Professor of Law
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