Advocate for the Underdog
How many times have you heard about a gross unfairness and wished you could step in and help the person struggling against an adversary with more power and money? At Nova Southeastern University’s Shepard Broad College of Law, we have designed a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree with a focus on Litigation and Dispute Resolution to give you the skills and confidence to do just that.
Quick Facts
What You'll Learn
In this compelling program, you will work with faculty who are leaders in their fields on issues such as:
• Alternative Dispute Resolution
• Appellate Drafting
• Class Actions
• Cyber Risk Litigation
• E-Discovery, Digital Evidence, and Information Governance
• International Litigation
• Product Liability
• Professional Communications
• Trial Advocacy
A Dynamic and Rigorous Curriculum

NSU International Arbitration Society
International litigation and arbitration are becoming increasingly prevalent as companies go global and legal problems cross borders. The NSU International Arbitration Society provides education, training, internships, and mentorship from attorneys experienced in international arbitration and litigation. Sit through international arbitration proceedings in the 11th judicial circuit court in Miami and work on international pro bono cases.
Build a Powerful Network
The NSU Law Mentoring Program offers students and alumni the chance to network with one another on a regular basis. This program gives you a pivotal opportunity to build a lifelong network as you learn from law alumni and local attorneys in the practice field that most interests you.